Monday, July 20, 2009

Thing #8- Screencast

This screencast is terrible and completely embarrassing, but at least I learned how to make a screencast. My computer is having technical difficulties tonight, so I figured I'd stick to something easy like the Library Resource Page.

When I try this again, I think it will be really helpful to make an instructional screencast for Eduphoria. Because teachers are going to need to learn a new program, a screencast could be a great way to learn. Again though, due to technical difficulties, I couldn't make it tonight.

I could definitely have my students make screencasts. I can't believe how easy it is! Good find!

1 comment:

VWB said...

We are all stuggling in our own ways with the various tools. Remember --this trip to the beach is structured for playtime so we can work out the kinks!

My current bump in the road is Twitter..I can't be found and no one knows why!