Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing #7: Google

I set up a Google Alert to email news about USC Trojan football. What can I say? I'm a fan!!! I can see how Google Alert would be helpful in keeping up with the news. Whether I'm trying to follow the election coverage or football recruitment, this site can be tailored to fit my needs. Plus, I can use this site in the classroom when keeping up with current events (as we do in Reading Lab). This can cut down on my research time and it would be a great resource to teach my students to use.

I also used Google Calendar to keep my life in order. During the summer, I seem to lose all track of time. I'm not even 100% sure what day of the week it is, much less the date! By using a computer calendar, it makes organization a bit more fun. Plus, when school starts back up, I can even keep my lessons straight on Google Calendar. This would make sharing and collaborating so much easier!

1 comment:

Grendel said...

I set up an alert for Metallica and Houston Ballet. Houston Ballet isn't bad, but a Metallica alert comes through about 25 times a day!